Rent our bikes online today! These used bikes are pre-loved, following our policy for reusing rather than buying new. This means that the bike you rented will have marks on it, and won’t be in perfect condition. However, by hiring this bike, you’ll be contributing to an ethical system of reusing rather than replacing.

Our bikes have a comfortable upright sitting position, broader seat and tyres tires, V-breaks and a bit heavier construction comparing to the touring bicycles. In line with our green initiatives, we are renting out pre-loved bikes and we repair them until they are no longer repairable.
You’ll be sent a code on your confirmation email so you can unlock your bike as well as instructions on what to do if you encounter an issue. Please note that our bookings are made online because our team is split between Senja and Tromsø, where our office is located. Our guide in Senja may be busy guiding themselves and unable to assist with this booking. Bike rental is on a trust system. Helmets are not included because we can not guarantee that no other renter has dropped them. Have a safe cycle!